Top 15 BEST Xbox One Co-op Games -

Top 15 BEST Xbox One Co-op Games

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For this week I focus on the Top 15 BEST Xbox One Cooperative Games. These are some of the most fun games to play with a friend on the Xbox one as of 2020. Enjoy!

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Runner Up – Destiny 2
15. Team Sonic Racing
14. Borderlands Handsome Collection
13. Moving Out
12. Divinity Original Sin 2
11. Monster Hunter World
10. Cuphead
9. Rocket League
8. A Way Out
7. Portal 2
6. Overcooked
5. Sea of Thieves
4. Minecraft Dungeons
4. Diablo 3
3. Streets of Rage 4
2. Gears 5
1. Halo The Masterchief Collection


  1. I love the list but cuphead should have been top 3

  2. Did u mention never alone. It’s a 2 person coop puzzle game. Great with your kid

  3. you deserve more subs and more views, I subbed a week ago great content.

  4. Deep Rock Galactic is one of my personal co-op favorites. Rock and Stone!

  5. Some other suggestions that I play with my girlfriend besides the ones in the video:
    – Death Squared
    – Guacameele 2
    – Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
    – Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
    – Rayman Origins/Legends

  6. Lolol this guy said gears 5 has the best third person controls lololololololol

  7. I would have replace moving out with human fall flat. Love the list!

  8. For a smaller channel. The quality of the video is amazing. Actually the professional style of the video is on tier with the big boys

  9. All of these games with exception of gears, are older…. we really haven't gotten any GOOD CO-OP games in a while… I've played all of these games over the years but theres nothing new here…



  11. I just downloaded Divinity Original Sin 2, and I’ve gotta say, it’s garbage. I really wanted to like it but it’s so slow. I love a good RPG but the mechanics are bad and I would hardly call the gameplay intuitive.

  12. Team racing needs expansions. But graphics are really good

  13. Outward is a great game to play local co op with a friend. Been playing a lot with my wife.

  14. I'm sorta surprised that actual Minecraft wasn't added, it is such an amazing game for coop and single player.

  15. Gears 5 was an horrible joke.
    Nothing that can be compared with the original games.

  16. battleblock teather is fun platformer game for co op

  17. Imho Resident Evil 5 offers a superb coop experience.

  18. Sea of thevies isent a co-op 2 player game it's a co-op online game

  19. Anyone one else get the friends reference for moving out ‘ Pivoting a chair up stairs ‘

  20. Literally developers don’t know how to make good coop games anymore. Most of these games are fucking shit

  21. My best friend and I have days played in time on halo throughout the years IMO it’s the best co op campaign I’ve came across

  22. Team sonic racing is 40 dollars i dont have that much and 40 dollars for a car/sonic game? The developers of that game really want cash fast

  23. Others have said this, but Resident Evil 5 is definitely a game worth looking into for coop. Even if you aren't familiar with Resident Evil as a franchise it's an all around great game in my opinion.

  24. I’m so tired of 2d games it’s like going back and playing saga with better graphics. Can we make some better 3D games 🙄

  25. You forgot Diablo 3 and Enter the gungeon,

  26. For people who like 2d puzzle co-op games with beautiful visuals you should try unravel 2 it is soooo good

  27. I really wish there would be more games like A Way Out. I finished it last night with my friend and it was such my type of game. I love when games have such an immersive gameplay and great realistic story to it. Hopefully we get another A Way Out some day in the near future

  28. Gang beast: ok I see how it it no no it’s fine

  29. It takes two is soooo good I honestly think it’s my favorite game ever

  30. My grandma plays call of duty black ops with me

  31. A way out was pretty cool. Gf doesn't like it for some reason though.. 🤔

  32. Destiny 2 is draining and crap content at a high price

  33. I'm really looking for games similar to the old pso. The thing I don't like about most games is too many players. Pso had it right with 4 player rooms and I'm looking for something like that. Any suggestions?

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