Top 10 Two Player Games of the Year – with Tom Vasel
The Dice Tower
Views: 71356
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Tom Vasel takes a look at the Top 10 Two Player Games of the year.
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Dice Tower East! – (July 1-5, 2020)
Dice Tower West! – (Feb 26 – Mar 1, 2020)
Dice Tower Cruise! – (January 24-29, 2020)
Dice Tower Retreat! –
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You are santacloss
I think this is insulting to not have Targi anywhere on this list.
Wait…where is Sam going???
I know it's a 2017 game, but you still need to play Fox in the Forest… amazing 2-player game that has lot's of buzz, but still on your "to play" list last I knew.
Since I know many people missed the q&a about sam leaving. Here it is so people don’t bombard the comments section with it
Thank you, Tom. Great video………DON’T LEAVE SAM!!!! Okay, thanks.
I'm going to greatly miss Sam. He has been an inspiration to me and I've also learned about a lot of games via his reviews and opinions. We don't necessarily share the exact likes in all games, but he's always kept it real.
Is that dice tower next to you 3d printed? I want one!