Top 10 2 player only games -

Top 10 2 player only games

Board Gaming Ramblings
Views: 8938
Like: 264
Today, we are taking a look at our top 10 games for 2 players only!Timestampts a bit lower down!This is a genre of games we played a lot of, and today, we’ll tell you which ones we like the most. If you, like us, are stuck at home with one other person, this might be a great list to find some new games to play and enjoy together!We would love it if you subscribed to our channel, it literally makes our day!If you like what we do, you can check out our Patreon page here: :

#10: 03:04
#9: 06:39
#8: 09:17
#7: 10:57#6: 15:49
#5: 19:45
#4: 23:58
#3: 27:34
#2: 28:32
#1: 31:47

#2player #boardgames #top10