Power Grid - Two USA 2-Player Games (Brown-Green-Red & Red-Purple-Aqua, funkdoc vs. MartyFunkhouser) - hypernaturalgames.com

Power Grid – Two USA 2-Player Games (Brown-Green-Red & Red-Purple-Aqua, funkdoc vs. MartyFunkhouser)

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Ayyyyyy, it’s the battle of the Funks in a 2-for-1 special! Game 2 begins at 44:45 – that’s the far more interesting one, FYI.

Feel that luck definitely went Marty’s way in both of these, but he played well too. As for me, i made a couple notable mistakes in the first game but am very happy with how i played the second one; even with all the bad early-game plant drops, i still would have won had 21 not dropped for Marty after my 24 buy.

BTW, huge credit to Marty for not replacing the 20 plant in the 2nd game! i thought he’d have to do that, but he had such a good money lead on me from earlier that he could’ve ended the game at 16 cities if i’d stayed below him any longer. Very nice play that i wouldn’t have seen in his shoes!

Oh yeah, and i put the wrong country’s flag up again! Still struggle to remember that when switching maps…some friends of mine can relate~

If you’d like to learn more about Power Grid, please check my blog for strategy articles on each power plant as well as a guide to 2-player games: