How to play 2 player games with a KeyBoard & Mouse and a 360 controller plus vlog -

How to play 2 player games with a KeyBoard & Mouse and a 360 controller plus vlog

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Main Edit: Finally I got Xsplit to work right with my channel by tweaking the local settings and then use a Camtasia Studios to make sure the video hold out because previous ones always find a way to have problems. BTW. I just check to see at the end part that it holds the sound, but not 100% correct yet because there were some sound lag to the video when I look at during the game play. For now, I’m fine with it.

Oh my… I’m doing another gaming on my main channel. But this time, it’s how to do a controller change trick on the 360 controller so you set it as player 2 so that you and your friend can play games together on Steam, regular PC games, and of course emulators (which mostly not needed).

I also included a vlog on here of what’s going on during these days.

1) I have to go to friend’s place so I can see his grandfather’s funeral.

2) Someone ask about my game and why I can’t give out my old track files.

3) I actually got an invite/request about one thing they want me to do and I’m not 100% sure if I’m going to do it. I have to try and fit this in my schedule due to work and such.