10 Terrific TWO PLAYER Board Games | Collection Starter - hypernaturalgames.com

10 Terrific TWO PLAYER Board Games | Collection Starter

No Rolls Barred
Views: 97801
Like: 2121
If you want to buy any of the games in the list, please consider using our Amazon Affiliate links, as they really help out the channel

10. Jaipur – USA: // UK:

9. Fugitive –

8. Star Realms – USA: // UK:

7. Onitama – USA: // UK:

6. Hive – USA: // UK:

5. Patchwork – USA: // UK:

4. 7 Wonders Duel – USA: // UK:

3. Santorini – USA: // UK:

2. Lost Cities – USA: // UK:

1. Unmatched – USA: // UK:

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Welcome to the Official No Rolls Barred YouTube Channel!
Adam Blampied & the gang from WrestleTalk are creating a brand-new channel all about getting YOU into board games!

At NRB, you’ll find a variety of fun and entertaining content, including Top 10 lists, special guests playing boardgames, deep dives on classic games, and MUCH MORE!

#BoardGames #Tabletop #Top10


  1. Hello, what scott joplin piece is played around the end ?

  2. Absolutely top list, brilliant games all. However, not having Memoir 44 on the list is a crime! I know it’s bigger and more complicated than the others but it’s sooooooo good!

  3. Ain't you on watch cuche thought I new that voice

  4. Fan of wrestling and boardgaming!! You just went up in my estimation by a power of 3 16

  5. Ok but sorry is still one the best best board games ever. Fight me.

  6. Hi. We just bought Unmatched. It is stupidly, ridiculously good. You were absolutely right.

  7. Hive, Patchwork, Chess, Star Realms Frontiers, Arboretum > Lost Cities.

  8. Great video, very well edited and funny and I want them ALL!

  9. Just found this channel and loving it. My go to 2 Player game is Dice Throne. Easy to learn and easy to teach. Just got my copy of Dice Throne Adventures/Dice Throne Season 1 ReRolled and it's so much fun, and some of the best artwork in Board gaming today.

  10. Nice video, but chess is the greatest board game of all time, so there.

  11. You don't buy goods in Jaipur, you sell them.

  12. Where is the movie fragment at 9.47 from? Thanks in advance!

  13. Fugitive looks right up my street… But I can't find it in stock anywhere! Damn you and your excellently enticing videos!

  14. Patchwork has passed many an evening since buying it. Surprisingly deep strategy once you play a lot

  15. This is kind of an unfair entry since it's almost impossible to get now, but Caper (or It's Mine) is a great 2-player game. I think Keymaster Games is doing a Kickstarter to reboot the game into Caper: Europe, so people who missed out will have a shot at an updated version of the game. Seriously, it's great.

  16. It’s official: you are my favourite board game reviewer on YouTube.

  17. Oshi is a great modern game in the style of chess.

  18. I have several of the Unmatched sets, and it's just a great game. The ability to mix and match from different sets is a great feature for increased variety.

  19. Arkham horror lcg. 1-4 players but damm … I love it.

  20. Best 2player game is Dice Masters. Bit like unmatched and a CCG had a dice baby! Awesome

  21. Oh shit – well look who it is on this channel! Blast from the past

  22. One excellent two player game is inhuman condition, a good roleplaying and hidden role game.

  23. Fun fact: before the pandemic, while it was still an alpha with no special powers, I made a name for myself for being undefeated at Santorini. My undefeated streak was sadly broken once I started playing threesomes.

  24. Seriously, this is such a delight. For years I've been waiting to hear some good ol' Adam videos again, that aren't about wrestling. Somehow this channel completely went under my radar.
    Saved my fucking week!

  25. Frasier IS better tha cheers

  26. Great Top 10.
    I would like to strongly recommend you BattleCON for 2 players: a tactical fighting game, easy to learn and hard to master, 30 minute games, with tons of content in each set and a lot of replayability. I really don't understand why it is not that famous.
    Adios calavera could also be a good addition: a really easy race game wih no randomness.

    Beyond that, thanks NRB for the video and for introducing more people to this fantastic world of boardgames <3

  27. Definetely Watergate and Twiligh Struggle are my favs. Need to try Unmatched, haven't heard of it before…!

  28. I recently discovered this channel and now my boyfriend is falling in love with you.

    I'm going to have to play Steampunk rally to win him back.

  29. This video is simply incredible! The writing, music, sound effects, script and jokes, pacing are all overwhelmingly effective! This is my first video from this channel, but I will be sure to watch many more. Wonderful work!

    Also, that ugly bug ball reference was great.

  30. That was so creative & scintillatingly enjoyable….so often looking on YouTube for needed info you feel you have to sit interminably through boring intros & unnecessary padding but you made me want to buy 10 games in 12 minutes. Well done! You’re very talented! Combining comedy with clear information

  31. What an amazing choice of games. I‘ve played a lot of two player games (including all shown in this video), and my recommendations would be almost exactly the same. Kudos! You got a new follower.

  32. Love the list! You should try out BattleLine, it's such an amazing simple card game. Definitely one of my top 2 player games.

  33. A Darwyn Cooke mention… can this channel get any better?

  34. I think I just about lost it at the quilting

  35. WHERE IS DICE THRONE ??? (seriously, best board game)

  36. Man! Great content! I just discover your channel and loved it!

  37. I bought Fugitive, eager to receive it and test it with my grilfriend. Looks fun

  38. what if you're fascinated by these games but have never played them before, and want to learn to play them but you're autistic so it's difficult interacting with new people (or the people at the nearest game store aren't receptive to newcomers)?

  39. You sir, yes you Sir, I see your list and I raise you 'Odins Ravens'. You can thank me later…….

    (Thanks for the list by the way, myself and my girlfriend are looking forward to playing some of these 👍)

  40. How about Tides of Time /Tides Of Madness, very good and fast 2 player games,
    also on my list: Raptor, Quarto and Ninja Versus Ninja

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